Multiple Spectrum Smart LED Lamp Using Renewable Energy
Michael Rivera Guzman and Juan A. González Sánchez
The purpose of this project is to design a Renewable Energy Intelligent Solar Lamp (REISL) prototype by using AutoCAD, 3D printer and a microcontroller. We will provide users a styling alternative option on the market by providing dimming visible light, infrared and ultraviolet emission to the design. We encourage the use of Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) to increase energy efficiency, avoiding the high energy consumption rate. Our design uses small solar cells as a power source, lithium batteries for storage energy and photoresistors for automatic lighting control. The REISL will have several applications as a reading light, heating (IR), forgery analysis (UV), mineral inspection, and scientific applications. For the automatization process, we used the ATmega328P microcontroller and designed all the electronics printed circuit board by using Eagle Software.